Well, here is some good news in the midst of all the gloom and uncertainties facing schools in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic. A high school senior, Roberta Hannah, at the Springfield High School of Science and Technology in Massachusetts has been accepted in not one, or two, three… but all eight ivy league schools for the fall 2020 semester.

While she is definitely not the first high school student to accomplish such feet. It is nonetheless, noteworthy given the special circumstances Hannah, and other students are in right now. They are navigating online learning as a way to keep the coronavirus infection at bay while still continuing their schooling in untraditional means. A drastic shift in learning for the majority of the students.

As first reported by Western Mass News, Hannah initially thought she would be accepted into four ivy league schools. However, after the Ivy Day that was celebrated on March 26, it became apparent that she had her pick of some of the leading colleges in America.

Originally, I was only going to apply to three, but then my mom and my sister we like, ‘You should just apply to all eight,’ so I didn’t really have a choice.”

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Hannah says this moment could not have come by were it not for her honors and AP classes, which gave her the necessary preparations. She further said that she is currently preparing to sit for seven AP exams. She admits that it took a lot of hard work and dedication in her studies to get accepted by all the eight ivy league colleges.

Book Smart Yes, and also Athletic

According to AthleticNet, Hannah has an equally impressive record in her high school track and field performance. So not only is she book-smart and aces her exams, but she is also an energetic and fit young woman who enjoys sports.

She says she will attend Columbia this fall and plans on majoring in Biochemistry and African-American studies.

My goal is to be a medicinal chemist. But with making medicine and kind of the one researching it. I want my focus to be on increasing accessibility and making the medicine more affordable.”

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So she wants to be a professional researching into creating medicine, huh? What a good pick, as the world needs more hands-on-deck to fight not just the current COVID-19 pandemic. But also any future disease outbreak.

Thanks to Mom and Sis

Hannah says her mother and sister were her inspiration through her high school studies. The two women really pushed her to become the high-achieving student she has been through her high school career.

Interestingly, her mother Valerie Williams was not able to attend college herself. However, she made sure all her children will be able to attend college, by giving them “a little extra hard” push in their studies. Clearly, the dreams of Valerie Williams of seeing her children achieve more in life is starting to materialize.

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