It’s high time black kids start getting financial literacy lessons from home as soon as possible. You can’t go through life with bling-bling, BMF...
Want to build-up your Credit Score quickly can qualify for Loans? Pay Rent, Utility Bills on time
America is the land of credit, banks have so much money they are always ready to loan you more provided you cross off on all the consideration on...
[VIDEO] The Pros and Cons of the 4 Major Ways of making money: Employed, Self-Employed, Big Business, Investing
We are at that critical juncture of the calendar, the end of the year when you get an opportune chance to plan out the full four quarters for the...
How to survive in the US for low income
I am writing this piece knowing that the typical African will survive in any environment. While his spirit is built with the resilience to overcome...
Essentials of Personal Finance Skills for African immigrants
Your understanding of personal finance as an African immigrant in the U.S. will significantly influence your success if you know what I mean. What...
Budgeting: A Path to Financial Freedom
Living in the US, a consumption society, can be very expensive. The daily expenses (taxes, accommodation, utilities and many more) could put a lot of...